Saturday, October 11, 2008

What we're up against.

Seriously. Take a look at these videos. Now, I'm sure that we could dig around and find plenty of examples of liberal activists acting like fools. But, these are just the average, everyday voters that are turning out to these McCain/Palin rallies.

This is pretty alarming. These people are clearly detached from reality. And, they're like a wounded wild animal. They're dangerous.


Get a job! Go to Russia! You commie faggots!

European Socialist!

It really blows my mind how immature and petulant and disrespectful the McCain/Palin supporters are to the Obama/Biden supporters. It's both laughable and sad how the Obama supporters seem so interested in having a discussion and actually talking about issues, while the McCain supporters will just rattle off a few key words that they don't understand and then laugh with each other and turn their backs.

"Obama is a terrorist!" "ACORN is responsible for the financial collapse!" ?!?!?!
"Is Obama American? I don't know what he is. Just listen to his name!"

I can't help believing that this is the result of an intentional dumbing down of an entire population of people in a deliberate attempt to create a society of easily-marketed-to robot droids who will never really question anything.


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