Thursday, November 6, 2008

Palin didn't understand that Africa was a continent, rather than a country.

Amazing. Hopefully, this will put an end to the nonsense about her running in 2012. Her political career is OVER. Check out this Fox"News" report on the FORMER "future of the Republican Party". Apparently, she was also unclear about which countries make up North America. None of this even remotely surprises me.

Fox"News" is now also accurately reporting that McCain's slide in the polls wasn't a result of the financial crisis, but actually began several days earlier after Palin's appearance in the Katie Couric interview.

McCain clearly lost for two giant reasons:

1. Judgement. His selection of Palin just killed his chances of winning. When you're the old guy, with all the experience, you can't make decisions that are this colossally bad.

2. Obama had a positive message. In his 30 minute infomercial, he didn't mention McCain or Bush one time. If the press asked McCain to sum up his candidacy in one sentence, you can be sure it would have been a slam against Obama.

Here's the video about Palin from Fox:

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